Tamerlane and other poems / by Edgar Allan Poe ; reproduced in facsimile from the edition ... / Poe Edgar Allan
Tamerlane and other poems / by Edgar Allan Poe ; reproduced in facsimile from the edition ... / Poe Edgar Allan
The Drury-Lane prologue, by Samuel Johnson, and the epilogue, by David Garrick 1747 ; repr... / Johnson, Samuel
The truth of our times / by Henry Peacham ; reproduced in facsimile from the edition of 16... / Peacham, Henry, approximately -approx...
Notable printers of Italy during the fifteenth century: illustrated with facsimiles from e... / Theodore Low De Vinne
The Characters of Theophrastus : a reproduction in facsimile from an edition printed in Lo... / Theophrastus, 372-287 B.C
The Characters of Theophrastus : a reproduction in facsimile from an edition printed in Lo... / Theophrastus, 372-287 B.C
Callipædiæ; or An art how to have handsome children; written in Latin; now done into En... / Quillet Claude -.
The truth of our times by Henry Peacham. Reproduced in facsimile from the edition of 1638... (no.55) / Peacham Henry ?-?
The pilgrim's progress as originally published by John Bunyan : being a facsimile of the f... / Bunyan, John, 1628-1688
The present state of music in France and Italy : a facsimile of the first edition, 1771 / Burney, Charles, 1726-1814
Beardsley's illustrations for 'Le morte d'Arthur' reproduced in facsimile from the Dent ed... / Beardsley, Aubrey, 1872-1898
The pilgrim's progress as originally published by John Bunyan : being a facsimile of the f... / Bunyan, John, 1628-1688.
The pilgrim's progress as originally published by John Bunyan : being a facsimile of the f... / Bunyan, John, 1628-1688.
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