Book Code: 1111008615291
Ravindra Kumar
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*The Title 'India and Mahatma Gandhi written/authored/edited by Ravindra Kumar', published in the year 2010. The ISBN 9788178358222 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 156 (Pages). The publisher of this title is Kalpaz Publications. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Gandhian Studies. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms.
The book entitled, INDIA AND MAHATMA GANDHI contains seven lectures delivered by Dr. Ravindra Kumar at known universities of Thailand. Gandhi and Hindu-view, tolerance, non-violence, democracy and world order are the central themes of these lectures. On the basis of dynamic philosophic approach and tradition of India, Dr. Kumar has explained these topics quite clearly and thus has done a long memorable work. The method of non-violent Satyagraha adopted by Mahatma Gandhi in political field and its success had wonderfully impressed many of his contemporaries. That is why; the great scientist Albert Einstein had said, .generations to come will scarcely believe that such a one as this ever with flesh and blood walked upon this earth. Not only is this, after Gandhi's passing away, Martin Luther King Junior had admitted, The method of non-violent resistance is the most potent weapons available to the people in their struggle for justice and human dignity. In a real sense, Mahatma Gandhi embodied in his life certain universal principles that are inherent in the moral structure of the universe. These principles are as inescapable as the law of gravitation. Dr. Kumar has now emerged as an intellectual and cultural ambassador of India. He is introducing great traditions and values of India to the world. He is continuously stressing upon resolving conflicts and problems through adaptable non-violent means. Hence, he has become an important person for international community and is receiving great regard from all parts of the world. From this point of view, this book becomes significant and also a subject of curiosity for not only the present generation, but also for generations to come.
About The Author:- Dr. Ravindra Kumar is an eminent writer, thinker, scholar, political scientist, peace-worker and educationist having more than 100 works on great personalities of the Indian Sub-continent including Mahatma Gandhi, and on various social, religious, political, historical, educational and cultural issues to his credit. Some of his well-known works include Morality and Ethics in Public Life, Theory and Practice of Gandhian Non-Violence, Non-Violence and Its Philosophy, Five Thousand Years of Indian Culture, Mahatma Gandhi at the Close of Twentieth Century, Mahatma Gandhi in the Beginning of Twenty-First Century, Five Thousand Years of Jammu-Kashmir, Towards Buddha, Towards Peace, and Civilization: Its Fundamentals and Evolution etc. Universally renowned Indologist and the Former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Meerut, India, Dr. Ravindra Kumar has been associated with a number of national and international academic, cultural, educational, social and peace organizations and institutions. He has visited many countries of the world as a Visiting Professor and Scholar and has delivered more than 400 lectures around the world on subjects related to Asian values, civilization, culture, economic-cooperation, Gandhism, human rights, international understanding, way of life and world peace. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Global Peace International Journal. Between 1993 and 2007, he has organized many national and international seminars at various places on Religion and Politics, Morality and Ethics, Education, Peace and Development, Non-Violence and Democracy, Human Rights, and Relevance of Mahatma Gandhi. Besides, Shan-i-Kaum, Ambassador of Peace, Sardar Patel National Award and other honours, Padma Shri was awarded to Dr. Ravindra Kumar by H. E. the President of India for his noteworthy services.
Contents:- Contents, Foreword. 7-8, Introduction. 9-12, Abbreviations. 13, 1. India, Hindu-View, Tolerance and Gandhi. 15-34, 2. India, Non-Violence and Gandhi. 35-48, 3. Indias Concept of Peace and Gandhi. 49-60, 4. India, Gandhi and Relevance of his, Ideas in the New World. 61-74, 5. India, Internationalism and Gandhi. 75-86, 6. Gandhian Philosophy: Past, Present, and Future. 87-122, 7. India: Democracy Versus Mobocracy, and Gandhi. 123-132, Appendices. 133-140, Whos Who. 141-144, Glossary of Indian Terms. 145-146, Index. 147-154 is not be responsible for typing or photographical mistake if any. Prices are subject to change without notice.
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