DTIC AD1014193: An Integrated Approach for Physical and Cyber Security Risk Assessment: Th... / Defense Technical Information Center
DTIC AD1014193: An Integrated Approach for Physical and Cyber Security Risk Assessment: Th... / Defense Technical Information Center
Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security And Computational Models Proceedings Of ICC 3 2... / Md Kutubuddin Sardar
To Make a Robot Secure: An Experimental Analysis of Cyber Security Threats Against Teleope... / Tamara Bonaci,Jeffrey Herron,Tariq Yu...
Wired world : cyber security and the U.S. economy : hearing before the Joint Economic Comm... / United States.
Wired world : cyber security and the U.S. economy : hearing before the Joint Economic Comm... / United States.
Cyber security R&D : hearing before the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education Co... / United States.
Cyber security, 2010 : hearings before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental... / United States. Congress. Senate. Comm...
Cyber security : the challenges facing our nation in critical infrastructure protection : ... / United States.
Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2001 : hearing before the Subcommittee on Crime of the C... / United States.
Cyber security research and development : hearing before the Committee on Science House o... (4.SCI 2:108-17) / United States.
Cyber security : U.S. vulnerability and preparedness : hearing before the Committee on Sci... (4.SCI 2:109-25) / United States.
Cyber security challenges at the Department of Energy : hearing before the Subcommittee on... / United States.
Cyber security--how can we protect American computer networks from attack? : hearing befor... (4.SCI 2:107-41) / United States.
Wired world : cyber security and the U.S. economy : hearing before the Joint Economic Comm... (4.EC 7:W 89/4) / United States.
Cyber security : private-sector efforts addressing cyber threats : hearing before the Subc... (4.C 73/8:107-74) / United States.
Cyber security : responding to the threat of cyber crime and terrorism : hearing before th... / United States. Congress. Senate. Comm...
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