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An Oriental Infer-System on AL-I & Smart Justice

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Book Code: 1111033400261

Dr. Shubha Chandra Mishra

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*The Title 'An Oriental Infer-System on AL-I & Smart Justice written/authored/edited by Dr. Shubha Chandra Mishra', published in the year 2024. The ISBN 9789356638679 is assigned to the Hardcover version of this title. This book has total of pp. 178 (Pages). The publisher of this title is GenNext Publication. This Book is in English. The subject of this book is Indian Logic Mechanics. Size of the book is 14.34 x 22.59 cms.

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Untitled Document


The contents of the book are co-extensive to connect and signify cognitive faculty of oriental Neo-logician of the 13thcentury. The book is equipped with oriental Brain-Gem-Browser (NN Gangeshopadhyaya) to synergize between inferential device and Artificial Intelligence. Further the book explores the themes of his masterpiece techno thesis as instrumental to AL-I (Artificial  Intelligence),ML(Machine Learning) & DL(Deep Learning) -interconnected  Recreators for infer-deduction. The book is furnished to display  the functional significance of the legitimacy of Oriento-inferential conduction for accurate and justified conclusion or goal. The present thesis based on logical fitness or efficiency is sui generis in the sense of twin -coinage of man-machine  Artificiality.
The Neological theory on inferential system as illustrated within the book  argues- how does software mechanism mobilize for task objectives. Further the current venture on classic work for mathematical or neo-logical  proposition is helpful to perceive the basic dynamism of Artificial Intelligence strategy. The current Enterprise hints at the exploration or innovation in  NNI (Navya Nyaya Intelligence) on  NLTLP (Neo-logic-Techno-Language for  Programming) of the 13th Century. The applied thesis is an access to assess the cogency of arguments and infer valid conclusion or judgement in general and judicial sectors as well. Thus the book-browse would be functional to analyze software Infer Developer in a bid to blend the ethics of Intelligence-mechanics.


The author is mechanical to mobilize our oriental cognition in days of mass acclamation of alien achievements. So, he has penned cyclopedia on “An Oriental Mission for Global Vision” published by  GenNEXT publication, New Delhi in 2021. During his professional pursuits, he was interested to partake of several academia at  excellence. He belongs to Mithila region being the seat of oriental phi-log-icons. As he is gifted to have annexed the Neo-logical praxis, he could imbibe his familial feature to expound reasoning inputs to humanoid functions. The author wants to aver the functional fitness of oriental masterminds of centuries ago.
Although the author happened to hobnob with homespun and yahoo environs in humdrum ambience. But the auto-flair of his mindset could treat the technicality of his familial traits. That is why the author intended to devise the key concepts of our oriental brain synergy with synthetic intelligence. Further he has endeavored to interpret, analyze, hatch, and align our deep inferential learning with processing of input to output communication system. Thus, the author seeks learned recognition to attain spirit for his academic acumen. Such beacon of next ambition is urged to be telecast for germane laurels


.The profile..................................................................................  7
The Product Feature..................................................................   11
Knowledge & Valid Knowledge................................................   21
NN Gangesh and Brain-gem-browser.........................................  27
Inference and its tools.................................................................  31
The definition and nature of Inference..........................................  45
The Character of the Subject of Inference (Pakshatā)..................  53
The Nature and Utility of Synthetic Judgement (Parāmarsha)......   93
Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence.............................  131
Artificial Intelligence (AL-I) on oriental parameter.....................  137
Inference Engine & Machine Learning - ML............................   141
Debate-Argument and Bar + Bench – Intelligence .....................149


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